1% Better SOLID Staff - Iryna

Our SOLID staff have been working hard to be 1% Better Every Day, not only at work, but also in their home lives. Each week we will be looking at ways in which the team are fighting climate change, starting with Iryna.

Home Renovations

Iryna has been renovating her home and has been implementing eco-friendly strategies throughout. Her electrical management system is particularly impressive, making her home almost entirely ‘smart’. There are smart valves installed in every room and Iryna can control each room both individually and remotely. Even Iryna’s pet snake has a smart home – both the snake box and aquarium are on sensors meaning that they don’t use any more electricity than is absolutely necessary.

By using an air fryer for all her meals Iryna is saving on average half the energy used by a conventional oven with every meal she cooks. She loves the fryer so much that she hasn’t even switched on the oven since last Summer. Iryna also takes part in British Gas’ ‘Peak-Save’ plan. Their plan is that during peak times you aim to use about 30% less energy, changing the time you do activities such as washing clothes, using the dishwasher etc. The plan can help save money on bills as well as energy and Iryna is certainly excelling with her energy saving!

Low Waste Shopping

In the kitchen Iryna has been working towards her next goal - reducing her waste. She has invested in containers with bamboo lids and she takes these to a shop in Castle Quay in Banbury called ‘Nothing but Footprints’ where she can refill grocery staples each week without buying excess packaging. Here you can not only refill your food containers (and they have a huge range of food on offer) you can also refill products such as washing up liquids, shampoos and dishwasher salts. Iryna even has lots of mini tubs for refilling her spices.

We look forward to updating you on more 1% Better SOLID team member ideas soon! Do you have some 1% Better ideas you are implementing in your own life? We would love to hear them!