Building a community >

After five years of planning and fundraising, All Saints Church in Sutton Courtenay kicked off their church extension project earlier this year. The additional facility will allow the church to bring its facilities into the 21st Century with kitchen facilities and a meeting room for community/church use, an office and three toilets (one of which is accessible). 

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Working in an existing graveyard presented the project team with some interesting challenges. We designed a piled solution in close coordination with archaeologists and the church faculty. Despite archaeological surveys, we have encountered additional graves during the dig. This necessitated a quick response to change the ground beam and reinforcement designs to bridge over those graves.

Now that we're out of the ground, the project is progressing at pace. We are looking forward to completing this project with Montgomery Architects, providing a great new facility for the church and a great asset for the entire village and parish.

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