Westlands Leisure Centre >
Westlands Leisure Centre is undergoing renovation work to make the space more appropriate for modern gym-goers. Originally two buildings, one a studio once used by Westlands helicopters, the buildings were joined together to form the current leisure centre. Certain facilities are out of date and Freedom Leisure wish to rework the space.
DATE: 2022
The Challenge
Part of the leisure centre housed a two-storey squash court which no longer saw the footfall it once had. Freedom Leisure requested the court was split and a first floor aerobic studio added. We had to ensure the new structure was made as shallow as possible to provide enough head height.
The SOLID Approach
The SOLID team analysed and strengthened the foundations to keep the new structure shallow. Steel restraints were used to create a hybrid structure working to support the masonry. We cantilevered and threaded steel beams, gradually demolishing walls to reduce impact, keeping time and costs down.