Woodland House >
Woodland House is a beautiful contemporary residence that embodies high-quality, sustainable living within a stunning woodland setting. Architect, WWA Studios, aimed to create a residence that maximises the connection to the surrounding woods while ensuring low-carbon longevity.
SOLID were appointed as Engineers from the early stages of the development, working alongside WWA Studios, Barr Group and Last Interior Design.
Photo credit - Lucy Butler-Walters
DATE: 2022-2023
The Challenge
Onsite challenges included building the replacement house within the constraints of Green Belt planning policies, whilst also navigating the root protection area of the tall trees. SOLID were appointed as Engineers on the project from the early concept stages.
The SOLID Approach
Our early involvement produced indicative CLT concept sketches, scoped the site investigation works, undertook drainage appraisals, reviewed foundation options and reviewed site levels & root protection zones. This early involvement helped to steer the design to maximise the site, budget and clients’ requirements.
Our contributions continued as the design evolved and developed. SOLID then undertook the final design work for the substructure, foul drainage, sustainable drainage, external works and retaining walls. We also undertook the reinforcement drawings and any miscellaneous design elements that fell between the different subcontractors.
Thank you to Lucy Butler-Walters, Barr Group and Last Interior Design for the fantastic photos.